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3A Blog — coffee

Why Sell Something vs Ask For Donations?

coffee non-profit uganda

I’ve seen the argument plenty that if you want to do something charitable, then just give your money to a charity. The theory is that it will get used better by a charity than a socially responsible organization (or, in our case, a non-profit selling a product). OK, I’ll agree to that. 100%. For example, $9 would go further with World Vision towards providing clean water than that same $9 will go if it’s used to buy our coffee. True. Here’s the problem: That’s not for me. I’m not good at asking for money. There are TONS of great charitable organizations out...

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Why Sell Coffee?

coffee non-profit uganda

When we started Three Avocados, some people asked “Why coffee”? Most people assumed we had some knowledge of the coffee industry. Nope, none at all. So then, why sell coffee? The answer is quite simple – it’s consumable and people already spend money on it. The specialty coffee market is huge. And, they grow coffee in Uganda. Three Avocados coffee was born in Uganda. The concept originates there. It had to be something that could be produced in Uganda, for Uganda. So, we did some research to figure out if this was a viable market. Sure enough, it seemed like...

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