3A Blog — nicaragua
Compassion | Day 12 | 14 Days With Love
The left half of this photo shows this sweet little girl waiting while cheese sandwiches were handed out at a coffee coop meeting in Nicaragua. Moments later, they were all gone and she was still empty handed, starting at the food with longing eyes. The right side of the photo shows how she looked after her brother gave her the cheese off of his sandwich (you can read the full story here). An amazing act of compassion for small children. -Joe
People | Day 11 | 14 Days With Water
We met this amazing woman while high in the mountains of Nicaragua. She invited us into her home and insisted we sit while she stood. She was so cheerful and thankful for everything in her life. She viewed each day as a gift. The people that I’ve met in my travels to Uganda and Nicaragua have truly amazed me. I’ll let you in on a secret…Three Avocados isn’t really a coffee company. We’re a people company. -Joe
Passion | Day 10 | 14 Days With Love
Don Francisco is the human embodiment of passion, wrapped up in an amazingly small Nicaraguan frame. I was blown away by his story and what he has accomplished. His drive? His children. He wanted to provide opportunities for them that he didn’t have. And he saw coffee as a way to do that. He poured his heart and soul into his farm and has been able to educate his children, add running water and proper sanitation to his house, not to mention electricity. He’s even brilliantly diversified his crop so that he’s not 100% reliant on coffee. He’s the perfect...
Education | Day 9 | 14 Days With Love
We met these children high in the mountains of Nicaragua. They were so eager to learn. These girls have dreams to be everything from a teacher to a lawyer. And they all understood how important it was to get an education. With basic necessities taken care of, education becomes the next critical link to enabling the poor to step up out of poverty. -Joe
Dreams | Day 8 | 14 Days With Love
Everyone needs a dream. Three Avocados was born out of a dream and continues to be a dream for me. With access to clean water, better hygiene, and education, the dreams of the next generation can come true. So chase your dreams, and never give up. The world needs you. -Joe