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3A Blog — poverty

Uganda | Day 1 | 14 Days With Love

love poverty uganda

Day 1 of our #14DaysWithLove journey. This one is pretty easy and predictable. The first thing we love? Uganda! Everything from the landscape littered with mud huts to some of the most amazing people on this earth. The people of Uganda still captivate me. They have endured so much, still endure extreme hardships, and yes, are some of the most thankful, joyful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. What’s not to love? -Joe

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Don Francisco's Home

coffee education hospitality nicaragua poverty

We love being part of a success story, and Don Francisco’s is hard to beat. He’s a true inspiration to us at Three Avocados. His farm is simply beautiful. In fact, it’s some of the most beautiful land we’ve ever seen. There are fragrant flowers and colorful butterflies all over the place. The views are stunning, as seen above, and we couldn’t wait to get a tour. We checked out the coffee and were thrilled to see the pride in Don Francisco’s eyes as he told us how he cared for his coffee. Soon we were lead up to the...

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Your Coffee Matters

coffee nicaragua poverty

Your Coffee Matters

 This is the home of one of our coffee farmers in Nicaragua. Your Nicaraguan coffee purchases help this woman support her family. Her children can receive an education and she can improve their living conditions. Your coffee purchase really does matter.

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Education in Nicaragua

education nicaragua poverty

  While in Nicaragua we toured a school within one of our coffee communities. Afterward, we sat with parents and listened to their concerns about the school system. Many of the teachers commute from the city and have no transportation to get up the mountain. This means that some teachers rarely show up on time or at all. Only two classrooms for all grade levels means that primary children are outside while school is in session without desks or chairs, and the school day is often shortened. Classroom materials are almost non-existant; and while the government is to provide workbooks...

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Why Water?

clean water coffee poverty

Our days are flooded with the word ‘why’. You see, we have a 3 year old, 5 year old, and 8 year old. Most questions start with the word ‘why’ and most statements are answered with the word ‘why’. At Three Avocados people ask us ‘why’ questions, too. Here are a few: Why help Africa? Why help Nicaragua? Why do you sell coffee? These are all good questions. They all have good answers, too. I promise. The most frequent question asked is, ‘Why water?’ You see, in the United States, we don’t think a lot about water. For most of us,...

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