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3A Blog

Water | Day 5 | 14 Days With Love

clean water love uganda

What would our world be without water? What would your life be like without it? The reality is, you life simply wouldn’t be without water. Yet every day, hundreds of millions of people struggle to find water, or settle for unsafe water. The boys in the picture above are actually going to drink that water. This reality is simply unacceptable. We must work to change the world. To change their reality. To give everyone an opportunity for a healthy life and an education. -Joe

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Hope | Day 4 | 14 Days With Love

hope nicaragua

Look at that smile! That smile is what happens when hope becomes reality. In Nicaragua, we visited the home of Don Francisco. His wife was showing us around her kitchen. They had running water, a rarity in the mountains, a toilet (even more rare!), electricity (unheard of!), and the ability to provide an education for their children. Don’s story is truly an amazing one. A story of a man with hope for better coffee prices and better access to world markets, and the results of his hope combined with years of hard work. -Joe

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Coffee | Day 3 | 14 Days With Love

coffee love nicaragua

While I do love coffee for the same reasons many others do, for me, it goes a bit deeper. After falling in love with Uganda and her people, I found that coffee could be a catalyst to change in Uganda. And quickly realized it didn’t need to end there. Coffee could be used to bring change throughout the world – in Uganda, Nicaragua, and many more countries throughout Africa, Central America, South America, and Asia. So, join me, and love your coffee. -Joe

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Poor | Day 2 | 14 Days With Love

poverty uganda

My first real exposure to the poor came on my first visit to Uganda in 2010. I never realized there were millions of people around the globe that still relied on only what they could grow for food. That had no money for clothes. That lived without water, without sanitation, and without an education. This realization stirred a deep aching in my heart to help those in need. -Joe

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Uganda | Day 1 | 14 Days With Love

love poverty uganda

Day 1 of our #14DaysWithLove journey. This one is pretty easy and predictable. The first thing we love? Uganda! Everything from the landscape littered with mud huts to some of the most amazing people on this earth. The people of Uganda still captivate me. They have endured so much, still endure extreme hardships, and yes, are some of the most thankful, joyful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. What’s not to love? -Joe

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